[V8] Re: WOT Epilogue...................

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 8 08:21:00 EST 2004


At work, I can readily check mail - home connection is
24400 or worse most of the time.  I was able to mostly
free up the throttle, and having driven it a bit more
(50 miles) it seems to work even better.  Car is
surprisingly slow below 3000 rpms and surprisingly
fast above.  Couple of minor issues - 

1) Little smoke on startup - valve seals?  It seems to
also be leaking a bit of oil - but very little - onto
the exhaust.  Not sure if it's due to the lack of
driving the car has experienced in the past 6 months. 

2) Car doesn't like to shift into 2nd at light
throttle when first accelerating - but if you give it
a touch more gas, it will shift.  Odd, I thought. 
Probably a future tranny problem?  Or the fluid is
less viscous than it should be?

3) at light throttle, a pulsing of power - almost like
it's not running well, but it's running very well.  

Any thoughts on these, I'd appriciate it.  Thanks to
everyone who responded to the throttle issue.  I was
able to fix it quite quickly (once I figured out where
the linkage was, that is!!!)

--- SuffolkD at aol.com wrote:

> Carter phones in his thanks for the list repsonses.
> He'll read them all at work Monday LOL.
> HE disassembled the air box and looked underneath
> and has determined that the 
> throttle linkage (cable) was needing a cleaning and
> Silicone Spray 
> lubrication.
> Idles now around 1200 so he's happy at the moment.
> BIg thanks from your fellow enthuiast.
> -Scott by BOSTON 4 Carter

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