[V8] WOT - the return! Other minor problems 4.2 V8Q

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 15 08:43:20 EST 2004

Like a bad Jerry Bruckheimer movie, the WOT problem
returned yesterday afternoon on the highway.  Only 5
miles from my destination, I figured I could make it,
since the car was only stuck at 1/2 throttle, and was
just slowly creeping up speed.  Bad choice.

In hindsight, I should have stopped immediately, but I
figured I could make it.  I managed to get to my spot,
but by the time I got there, I had heated the front
brakes up to the point that they ignited the nice
grease buildup on the calipers.  Presto - caliper
flambe.  I was able to get them out quickly, and after
a careful check, nothing seemed damaged.  I turned to
the engine, and disassembled everything (again), only
to find the throttle closed.  I fully lubbed up the
trottle again, and it was much freer than last time,
but the problem still perplexes me, since I drove the
car Friday, Saturday, and most of Sunday with no
problem at all, and several times dipped deep into the
throttle, but yesterday came out nowhere.  So, what's
the deal?  Again, now the car seems to have no
problem.  Is it likely that the cruise control rod is
sticking somewhere?  The cruise doesn't function as of

Next set of problems - Radio is in safe mode - only
way is to go to the dealer to get the code?  I don't
seem to have it.  Neither front or rear defroster
works.  The climate system does work, but no air at
all comes out of the top of the dash.  This could get
tricky in the winter (already has on Friday, when it
was humid and rainy here!).  Cruise doesn't work, and
the locks don't work - I can lock the car up from
inside, or I can lock the driver's door from outside,
but the other locks won't function with the key.  They
do lock from inside though.  Strange.  Still has a
pulsing of power at very light (cruising) throttle -
one member suggested oxygen sensor?  ABS OFF light is
on.  I'd like to have the ABS operational, if
possible.  Ideas?  When I was under the car yesterday,
there is a bracket under the caliper which has a plug
on it, and two wires coming out.  The wires on both
sides are cut - are these the ABS sensors?   Finally,
one of the fog lights is out - are they H3 bulbs?  

Thanks for all the help, as always.  I looked like a
pro yesterday ripping the intake out of the car in my
church-going attire.

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