[V8] exhaust soot

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Fri Nov 19 14:44:56 EST 2004

... if you look at the exhaust system of the car you will see that there
are considerable opportunities for the exhaust from each bank to
intermingle.  On the automatics the OXS is mounted right where the two
header flows converge, so it should be sampling both (note the MT
crossover pipes are considerably different and on those the OXS is
primarily sniffing one side ... 

I would suspect that there is a blockage somewhere that is making the
exhaust come out only the one pipe ... 

Steve B.

> I thought this was related to my bad o2 sensor. but now 
> suspect not. My left tail pipe is clean when compared to the 
> right side tail pipe. It is my belief that the right tail 
> pipe corespondes to left head and vise versa. Now, our v8s 
> use only one o2 sensor. If bad, wouldnt both sides exhibit a 
> soot problem? So my question is this: What would cause only 
> half my exhaust to be running rich? Allan

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