[V8] European headlights versus Autocheck system

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Nov 24 09:33:54 EST 2004

You need to jumper the autocheck bulb-out relay in the relay panel.  Should
be full info in the archives of Audifans.com  I have it printed out
somewhere if you can't find it.  Should have had the same problem on a
200q20v.  I had to do this to both the V8 and the 200.  Didn't put Euros on
my 5ktq, so don't know whether it would be necessary.  

At 07:06 AM 11/24/2004 -0500, Roger M. Woodbury wrote:
>We have just installed new Euro lights in my wife's 100 Quattro Avant. These 
>lights are relayed, but low beam triggers the Autocheck "bulb out" warning. 
>I seem to recall numerous posts about this on these sites, and wondered if 
>anyone on the V8 list remembers this, and remembers what the "cure" was.
>These lights are my third set for Audi's.  I have previously put Euro 
>headlights into my '89 200 Avant, and my current '93 V8 has Euro headlamps. 
>Neither car had one lick of difficulty with the installation, but this one 
>is different.  I am not precisely sure how the mechanic did the 
>installation, but the same mechanic did the installation in the V8.
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