[V8] Major Eletrical Problems
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Nov 25 16:08:56 EST 2004
Check with your insurance company. We once had a Saab burn up its main
wiring harness. The insurance company paid to have a mechanic trace and
replace all the damaged wire. That was cheaper than purchasing complete
new harnesses. I think the bill was in the $500 neighborhood. If I
remember correctly, that was about a quarter of the cost of all new
harnesses. The car was worth the $500, but not worth the $2000.
At 11:26 AM 11/25/2004 -0500, Tdehoff at aol.com wrote:
>At the last report, My 1990 V8 was at a garage due to a serious Electrical
>fire i.e. there was smoking and the smell of electrical components burning,
>various electrical circuits operating on there own etc. The mechanic has
>indicated to me that so far he can determine that the car has
>grounded/shorted out
>somewhere within the wiring harnesses within the car, which one and where is
>unknown. He is going to pull off the dash cap Friday and see what he can
>I am beginning to think that I am going to have to sell the car to a salvage
>yard. I would appreciate any input from anybody who has experience in
>with salvage yards as to what my car would be worth. It has zero body damage
>and the engine and transmission are in excellent condition. In fact the only
>thing wrong with the car is the melted wiring harness somewhere in the car.
>Also is it even possible to replace the wiring harness if he could isolate
>where the problem is?
>Iowa Tom
>soon to be a former V8 owner :(
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