[V8] Battery discharge issue (update)

Jeremy Ward jward at mti-interactive.com
Mon Nov 29 16:38:00 EST 2004

Pull the fuse and determine which side of the fuse holder is hot and which side goes to the stereo equiptment.  Next place your ohm meter on the stereo side of the fuse holder (if you place it on the hot side, it will fry your ohm meter fuse) and touch the other wire from your meter on ground.  If you have continuity, you have a short.  Next question is - is it a short in the wiring, or the raidio / amp / etc.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces+jward=mti-interactive.com at audifans.com <v8-bounces+jward=mti-interactive.com at audifans.com>
To: v8 at audifans.com <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Mon Nov 29 13:32:07 2004
Subject: [V8] Battery discharge issue (update)

Okay, so I pulled the #7 fuse and decided to check what was disabled by 
pulling the fuse.  Recall that the manual says left side parking lights, 
etc.  Well, they still work!  Only thing I can find so far that doesn't work 
is the aftermarket stereosystem I had installed.  Starting to make a little 
more sense now, but the stereo was installed couple years back so I'm a 
little confused as to why it would be drawing so much power right now.  Can 
anyone suggest how I can test to see if there is a short in the wiring to 
the stereo?


Bill G.

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