[V8] Gas Pedal

Carlie Bentley carlie at corbinwebworks.com
Tue Oct 12 12:08:02 EDT 2004

Ooh! Seems like the perfect time to upgrade to those aluminum pedals 
with the holes and the neon behind them.
Or maybe I'm not fully awake yet, it must be the honda boyracer talking, 
Excuse me while I beat him to death.

Michael Larosa Jr wrote:

>Very common.  What I've done is to drill a hole through the outside base of
>the pedal cover, then through the actual pedal arm, and insert a piece of
>wire (mongo paper clip) to remount the cover.  The upper part of the
>accelerator cover has a small spring to allow push it away (at the top) from
>the pedal arm, pivoting on the paper clip you've just installed.  This 2
>minute repair job (ok, five if you've gotta find the drill and insert a bit,
>pull out the extension cord, ...) has lasted over 30k miles no problem.  That
>said, a more elegant solution is a set of adjustable pedal covers that allows
>heel and toe...  someone recently purchased these for their S4/S6; don't
>recall who (Frank Amoroso?), I think someone on the NA20v list also got them
>for their coupe.
>HTH< Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller at aol.com
>Michael Larosa Jr wrote:
>>there a few un-expensive fixes for this one :)
>>a screw or paperclip fix,  which would you prefer ?
>>I think one or both of these might be on audifans.com...
>>will have to check..
>>ex-V8 owner,
>>Brad Hartman wrote:
>>>Now that I have my stolen V8 back, the rubber cover for the Gas Pedal has
>>>popped off.  Whatever held it on seems to be missing or broken.  Where can
>>>one find an expensive replacement?
>>>Brad Hartman
>>>1990 Pearl White V8
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