[V8] heater core

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Oct 26 13:17:20 EDT 2004

Jason Bass <rasrunnit at yahoo.com> writes:

> Two years ago I paid Max to replace a leaking heater
> core that came with the car when I bought it. Well,
> Just my luck the part he put in started leaking soon
> after. He refused to do it again for free.(cant blame
> him) But I couldn't stand to pay for it twice, so I

If "Max" is a professional mechanic, YES, you can blame him.  Having to
go back and replace defective parts on the techs or shops time comes with
the territory.  Of course, all bets are off is you supplied the shop with
the parts.  If he sold you the work and the parts, he should stand behind
both when something goes wrong.  Many suppliers and manufacturers have
policies that will actually pay labor costs to replacing defective
components within the parts warranty period.


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