[V8] heater core(rant)
Dave Head
v8q at bellsouth.net
Tue Oct 26 20:47:10 EDT 2004
Lots of us are familiar with Max. He's a pro all right, but that
adjective goes with blowhard, not mechanic...
Jason Bass wrote:
>--- cobram at juno.com wrote:
>>Jason Bass <rasrunnit at yahoo.com> writes:
>>>Two years ago I paid Max to replace a leaking
>>>core that came with the car when I bought it.
>>>Just my luck the part he put in started leaking
>>>after. He refused to do it again for free.(cant
>>>him) But I couldn't stand to pay for it twice, so
>>If "Max" is a professional mechanic, YES, you can
>>blame him. Having to
>>go back and replace defective parts on the techs or
>>shops time comes with
>>the territory. Of course, all bets are off is you
>>supplied the shop with
>>the parts. If he sold you the work and the parts,
>>he should stand behind
>>both when something goes wrong. Many suppliers and
>>manufacturers have
>>policies that will actually pay labor costs to
>>replacing defective
>>components within the parts warranty period.
>I don't recommend Max because of my experience.
>He had my car for over a month to do a heater core
>replacement, timing belt, and a few other minor
>He charged a lot. Then refused to redo the heater core
>when it became apparent that it was defective from the
>beginning. He supplied all the parts and charged me
>way more than I could have sourced them for. Max is a
>professional and runs his own business in Washington
>state called Audi Volkswagen specialist(AVS). I really
>wanted to support him. Problem is it's hard to find
>mechanics that know about the V8.
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