FW: [V8] heat and smell source?

Nadjkovic Kraig A TSgt 552 CMS/MXMVC Kraig.Nadjkovic at tinker.af.mil
Thu Oct 28 09:56:07 EDT 2004

 I'd start by power washing the area.  The dirt, grease, oil, and now
pentosin that's collected down there could catch on fire.

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of
dsaad at icehouse.net
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:46 AM
To: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V8] heat and smell source?

This sounds like something you should get to the bottom of quickly.
Is the heat from one of the cats? Maybe there is a serious fuel mixture
problem caused by O2 sensor, leak in fuel injector or fuel pressure
regulator or ??

There are infra-red heat sensor guns that may help you locate the problem.
They may be hard to rent, but big electrical contractors commonly have/use

Whatever the cause, you can quickly destroy a cat (or two) and they are
expensive - not to mention the fire risk if the cats are in fact


Quoting QuickAudi at aol.com:

> Well, here's one for ya.  After having my rack and pump 
> rebuilt/replaced, I now have some new problems.  I have a tremendous 
> heat source coming from the firewall - feels like walking into a hot 
> breeze - while driving.  This only occurs after several minutes at 
> speed, and it never goes away.  Opening the windows or running the A/C 
> obviously is a temp solution.  I know that I dumped a lot of pentosin 
> on the tranny/exhaust, but shouldn't it have all been burnt off by now?
> Secondly, since I had to run my car on four cylinders, I think my O2 
> sensor is toast.  My gas mileage is steadily decreasing, so I'll do 
> the four wire one soon.  However, when I increase speed (downshift 
> usually necessary), I get a whiff of gas/oil, like it's a mixture of 
> the two.  It usually is a pretty constant smell until I cease my 
> acceleration.  I don't smell it when accelerating around town, just at
cruising speeds.
> Please, all ideas are welcome.  I will have a lot of time to try them out.
> Joel
> '90 V8q
> '86 5kcstq
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