[V8] Cruise Control

Charles Wurts cwurts12 at mindspring.com
Wed Sep 1 00:04:32 EDT 2004

I can hear the relays working in the passenger foot well when I 
activate the cruise control.  I have also checked the vacuum lines 
ahead of the firewall and even after sitting for a day, there is still 
a vacuum in the lines.  Yet I still can't get the cruise control to 
work.  The switch at the brake pedal seems fine too.  What am I 
missing?  Could it be a wheel sensor?  I have reviewed the archives for 
the last few years and can't seem to find any clues?  Any BTDTs out 

'90 V8 Auto @ 155K miles

PS I have had this car for 8 years now and I love as much now as the 
day I got it!

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