[V8] not a lang, ...flat crank

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Sep 14 17:08:30 EDT 2004

Ok, I admit it, I don't keep up with the racing stuff much, well not at
all really.  What were the problems with the flat crank, and, well,
exactly what is a flat crank?  Making two 4 cylinders into one V8 is
nothing new, Packard was doing that with 12 cylinders (the twin six) over
80 years ago.  If there's a site with some schematics or a tear down of
the engine please let me know, I did a google search and checked half a
dozen links to no avail.


DasWolfen at aol.com writes:
>  I'm pretty sure the flat crank didn't get incorporated into the DTM 
> V8's 
> till the 92 season and was the basis for BMW's successful protest 
> which finally 
> ended when Audi pulled out of DTM mid-year.... Also IIRC they never 
> did get the 
> bugs worked out of the crank.

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