[V8] v8 sighting (for sale)

Greg Furstenwerth slicerdicer at comcast.net
Mon Apr 4 01:18:31 EDT 2005

Ha! I saw this one just the other day! Dan Hussey pointed it out when we
were there.


John Bysinger wrote:

>91 v8q sighting....
>Saw a fairly clean looking (as best as I can tell through the chain link
>fence) pearl 91 for sale in Issaquah, WA today.  Aside from a very oddly
>mounted cell antenna base right in front of the sunroof it looked 100%
>stock.  I think this place does consignment sales, this a car from a lister?
>http://www.eastlakeautosales.net/  is the place selling it, but it's not
>listed, and I couldn't see a price on the car.
>Side note on my v8q, after a year of nursing the heater motor and it
>completely giving up the ghost, I gave in and bought a new motor for it (got
>a brand new bosch on ebay for $80ish, not bad) and plan on replacing it
>soon.  If only the rain here in WA stops long enough to, I don't have enough
>room in the garage for that kind of work.  I'll let you all know how it goes
>once I get there!
>Also, on the stuck oil filter woes lately, been there, done that, on a van I
>inherited from my grandpa seriously in need of servicing, nothing moved it,
>I ended up getting out the air nibbler, cutting the whole housing off, and
>removing it from the inside out...  what a pain.  My bet was the same as
>some said here, no oil on the filter gasket.  (oil it, hand tight + quarter
>turn, has always worked perfect for me.)
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