[V8] Finding GM Top Engine Cleaner in Canada

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Tue Apr 26 18:07:47 EDT 2005

GM and Ford both make a similar product - I don't know what Ford calls theirs
though. No idea why you can not get it from a dealer - unless there is some sort
of environmental reason - like it is deadly poison and your govt actually cares
about that sort of thing. You might call around and see if someone has a "Motor
Vac" machine. It does a better job than you can do at home - and you do not have
to put up with the significant amounts of visable air pollution this process
spews out.

Just as an FYI, when you restart the car after letting it sit with the solvent
in it, you will make a cloud of smoke that will cover the whole neighborhood. I
try to do it on a windy day, and as soon as the motor feels strong enough to
drive, I take off for a deserted road so as to not offend too many people.


Quoting radek at istar.ca:

> Hello group.
> It's time to take the beast out of hibernation and I want to do a proper
> carbon clean-up
> job.  I called
> GM, Ford and Mazda dealerships in town and none of them sold such a product.
> I looked up
> part
> numbers on the Net, called again and was told that these numbers were US
> only.
> Would anyone know how to get Top Engine Cleaner in Canada?  Suggestions for
> alternatives?
> Thanks.
> Radek
> 91 V8Q 5-sp
> 88
> 90Q
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