[V8] V8 Black Hole
dsaad at icehouse.net
Thu Aug 11 12:02:48 EDT 2005
I cut up some closed cell packing foam to make a wedge to slip in there to stop
this problem.
The stuff I used was pink electro-static packing foam, and therefore quite
Quoting Speakoutprod at aol.com:
> Just an observation here, but I thought I'd throw this out and see if anyone
> else experiences this.
> If you EVER drop something down between the small space between the front
> seats and the console between the seats, it's virtually impossible to get it
> out.
> The harder you try to retrieve it, the further it goes down, until it
> disappears -- FOREVER.
> I've tried needle nose pliers, rulers, coathangers, the works. I move the
> seats forward and that sometimes works, but I'm not kidding -- this is nuts.
> I'm thinking of buying every junker V8 on the planet and then tearing out
> the
> two front seats to retrieve money, rings, bracelets, tools, fingernail
> clippers, negotiable stocks and bonds, and the ultimate culprit: French
> fries.
> Brad Hartman
> 1990 V8
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