[V8] G60 Brake Swap

Allen Swett allens at mitronics.com
Wed Aug 17 14:12:06 EDT 2005

>Both my cars have UFOs, and they work great.  I've driven other V8s with
>the conversion and find the brakes to be noticeably less capable.  I've
>had people with converted V8s drive my car and comment about the
>difference in braking feel.  

I wholeheartedly agree with Steve on this one.  While I have no long term
seat time on the V8's, I've got many miles behind the wheel of various 91
200q's with the UFO's and G60's.  For everyday street purposes the UFO's
are far superior.  
As a matter of fact, the new to me V8q has G60's. Boo hiss. 

So, who wants to do a G60 swap, my G60's for your UFO's??


91 V8q 5 spd with downgraded G60's

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