[V8] G60 brake conversion

Unka Bart gatorojo at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 18 09:51:24 EDT 2005

Hi Roger, et al,

I'd check out ECS' claim that their Stage II kit with slotted euro A8 
rotors and Porsche TT calipers will fit under 16" wheels before going 
to either of the other options you're considering.  They claim that the 
kit will fit, and it does give *remarkable* braking.  Equal, I would 
say, to my (dearly departed) 911.

And as to scooters...  I sold my last scoot in '94, having decided that 
I'd done enough serious healing for this lifetime.  As you no doubt are 
aware, morotcyclists can be divided into two groups, those who are 
sliding merrily along the highway, and those who will be.

You did mention something or other about bad roads up in your neck of 
the woods, as I recall...

The older one gets, the slower the healing process.  Or so it seems, 

Yer kindly ol' Unka Bart

On Aug 18, 2005, at 6:35 AM, Roger M. Woodbury wrote:

> I have been thinking about the "next" V8, more and more.  There are a 
> couple
> of concerns that I have as the roads in this neighborhood...rural
> Maine...aren't smooth divided highway, but are rural, and rough.  
> Going to
> big wheels and thinner tires will complicate the ride characteristics 
> of the
> car considerably, once beyond 16" wheels, I would think.  Fifty series 
> tires
> on the V8 for me?  I don't think so.
> I am not sure what it would take, but when this car comes along, I 
> might
> consider changing the existing brakes to UFO's, depending on how 
> difficult
> and expensive it would be, vis a vis using something like a BIRA set 
> up.
> Roger
> P.S.  But then, I am also going through having another BMW motorcycle. 
>  You
> see, this time of year, I see all these fine folks who are touring up 
> the
> Maine coast to Acadia and beyond on their gizzie new BMW touring 
> bikes.  I
> haven't owned a motorcycle since my '83 BMW was totaled in 1991, but 
> the
> itch comes across me about the middle of July each year, when the 
> tourers
> arrive.  The price of really nice looking 2000-2003 BMW touring bikes
> approsimates the price of the next V8....
> Maybe I'll just lie down for a while.  It is going to snow here before 
> too
> long anyway....
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