[V8] middle age drip

dsaad@icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Fri Aug 19 10:56:01 EDT 2005


I got it.

A while back I had to repair a drippy PS pump to rack hose, now it looks like
the pump to bomb hose is dripping. It is slow but still irratating. Good thing I
guess that I still have a big bucket of RYKON 32.
I have also had a wimpy bomb for as long as I have had this car. I wonder if the
hose could have anything to do with this?
A while back someone was selling a bomb. Is it still out there??

And BTW, I said (yesterday?) that Chevron RYKON (ISO) 16 was the same as MOBIL
Perhaps if you live in Alaska, but for the rest of us RYKON (ISO) 32 is what you
really want. The difference is weight. I don't know what the viscosity of the
MOBIL is, but it is probably closer to ISO 32.


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