[V8] How hot is hot?

Mike Arman armanmik at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 20 19:29:40 EDT 2005

How hot is hot?

New TB, water pump, thermostat, radiator looks OK.

Temp gauge shows about two needle widths less than 100 in around town 
driving, does not seem to be rising beyond that. After a short stop and 
restart, it went to slightly over 100, but came back down again pretty 
quickly. Drove about four miles total, just a quick shakedown cruise. Oil 
temp gauge moved off the stop for the first time in living memory, got to 
70 degrees. Oil pressure is fine at 5 bar.

I'm wondering if this is OK, or if it is just a really hot day here in 
Florida (Orlando had 101 Tuesday, it is a little cooler here, but not much).

Am I being overly nervous, or does this sound OK?

Coolant and oil levels are OK, but I will recheck them. I also want to 
check the fusible link and the electric fan speeds.

AC was not running. It works, but I just don't like AC, even on *really* 
hot days like today - well over 90 degrees.

The engine is noticeably quieter than it was before the TB change, and the 
power comes on like gangbusters, smooth and strong, but I am probably 
comparing it to my wife's 626, which is a buzzy, underpowered four cylinder 
econobox which I have been driving while I finished up the V8. The Audi, 
with 146K on it, feels SO much better and more solid than the Mazda does 
with only 40K . . .

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
90 V8, not just a car, an ADVENTURE!

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