[V8] 4.2 still running hot...

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 22 14:16:09 EDT 2005

Granted it was 94 degrees here yesterday with
uber-hohe humidity, but even with the new fan (THANKS
RON!!!!) working properly, it would seem, I was forced
to turn on the heat in a prolonged traffic stop (5
minutes) as the temperature crept up towards indicated
120 degrees.  

Ideas?  Could this be Ray's suggestion of a
misreading?  The car had no cooling problems at all
prior to about 1 month ago when the fan stopped
working.  Even at redlights and such with the fan on,
car instantly is up around 110 degrees.  This is all
with no AC.

I've noticed that the fan does not after-run, even
when the car is very hot.  Also, is the fan supposed
to run through different speeds?  Maybe I just don't
hear it, but I only seem to have one - but remember
reading something about three different speeds on the
electric fan?

Perplexed, and running very warm.

W. Carter Johnson
University of Rhode Island
401-874-4947 office
401-789-3217 home

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