[V8] 4.2 V8 kickdown

Greg Furstenwerth slicerdicer at comcast.net
Wed Aug 24 15:02:07 EDT 2005

Yeah its not lacking at all that thing still takes off like a rocket in 
"E" no matter how you slice it. I do agree sport is out of control on 
the power though compared to economy beacause of the kickdown.

Carter Johnson wrote:

>Lawrence and Greg (and Jeremy...),
>Mine runs exactly the same as Greg's, for what it's
>worth.  It will not downshift in "E" on the highway. 
>In "S", it will instantly downshift and take off. 
>However, with the added juice of the 4.2, I've never
>found the 55-75mph run in "E" to be that lacking.
>W. Carter Johnson
>University of Rhode Island
>401-874-4947 office
>401-789-3217 home
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