[V8] Rear Ended--Need Parts--To fix or not to fix

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Fri Aug 26 16:46:17 EDT 2005

Sounds like the Jeep's insurance company is liable.  When their
estimator comes out to make their own estimate, tell the guy that the
car (a) is a rare car, (b) is a sentimental family heirloom, and (c)
that you'd like to work something out so it's repaired.  He/she may be
able to work something out where you accept the estimated amount, and
agree to no further supplements (additional money for repair found once
all apart).  No need to turn over the title and buy the car back.

That's what I worked out w/ mine.  Damage was estimated at around $6k,
which is right around the value they put the car at (200k miles).  You
give up the ability to seek additional damages though.  But if the car
runs and drives with no problems as it is, it's an equitable outcome for
all parties.

Let us know how it works out.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of 
> jason.carey at riverrestoration.org
> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 4:28 PM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] Rear Ended--Need Parts--To fix or not to fix
> Audifans, 
> Just when I got her running smooth a dog ran out in front of 
> me and a jeep ran into the back of me.  The body shop 
> estimated $7K in repairs and I am afraid that the insurance 
> company is not going to value this car as highly as I do. Any 
> tips for getting the highest value out of the estimator? 
> Its still driveable and I don't suspect any damage other than 
> body work.  Are there any notorious mechanical problems that 
> result from a rear end collision?
> It was hit pretty directly on the rear right corner and lamp 
> assembly, the rear right corner is smashed and I need all of 
> the body parts adjacent to that.  I need to see what parts 
> are available (I'm in western colorado):
> Rt outer panel
> Rear body panel
> Trunk Lid
> Rt trunk side trim
> Rt Tail Lamp Assembly
> Rt backup lamp assembly
> Rt corner moldings upper and lower
> Rear Window
> Rt glass molding belt
> Rear Bumper Cover
> Rt Filler side
> Right Hinge interior trim 
> Poll: Should I fix it? it runs great!
> Thanks< Jason
> 1990 V8Q turning 153,000 when it was hit!
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