[V8] Windshield Wipers - Park Position?

Matthew Yip mgyip at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 28 22:26:19 EDT 2005

I don't think the problem is in the wiring per se - the wipers
function normally except that they park in completely the wrong
place!!  Visiblity isn't too bad but will try the wiper relay trick
and will also try to locate any info on re-indexing the wipers.  Most
likely I know the answer - wiper motor...

Thanks all for the info.  Now I get to spend MORE money on this car!!


--- cobram at juno.com wrote:

> If you look at the wiring diagrams, you can check to see if the
> problem
> might be in the column switch.  But, from my own BTDT, the problem
> has
> been cured on several occasions by changing the wiper assembly. 
> There
> was a thread way back on the main Qlist about re-indexing the
> motor,
> didn't work for me.  As a temporary fix (for better visibility
> until you
> fix the problem) if you pull the wiper relay, you can control the
> stop
> point with the wiper switch, this worked on the 200TQA, I think the
> V8
> should do the same.  Get a good used assembly, they're pretty cheap
> now
> and easy to change.  Hopefully it's not in the column, that's a
> little
> more involved...
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary
> questions.
> Matthew Yip <mgyip at yahoo.com> writes:
> > Audi V8 Fanatics,
> > 
> > I was driving my '90 V8 on Saturday in the rain (I know, first
> > mistake b/c of VAG electrical connections) and the wipers started
> > going haywire.  While the wipers themselves work fine, the park
> > position has suddenly changed from the bottom of the windsield to
> > about mid-down sweep which is in the middle of my view!!  In
> > Intermittent mode, the wipers pause slightly lower but still
> about
> > the middle of the down sweep.  On Mist, the wipers stop twice - 
> > once
> > above my sight line and once just below it. 
> > 
> > I've consulted the handy-dandy manual but it is rather mute about
> > how
> > to handle this issue - it talks about installing the motor and
> such
> > but says nothing about establishing the park position.  Does
> anyone
> > have an idiot's guide to setting the park position for the
> wipers?  

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