[V8] Ecu codes, cats

sdewitt@stx.rr.com sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Wed Aug 31 08:00:45 EDT 2005

Before Gutting the cats, you might want to check local and state laws 
regarding this. 
At one time it was a federal offense to disable any pollution control 
devies on a vehicle, however I think the FBI has more pressing issues 
at hand.
I gutted the cat in my 4kq and found the car sounded like a 
refrigerator amplified a million times. The hollow cat produced some 
sort of resonance. Hollowing a cat won't necessarily make more power 
(unless they were clogged) and metal core catalysts make it almost 
impossible to gut (ceramic on the other hand is much easier). A friend 
of mine dynoed his stock 95 M3 before and after he gutted the cat, and 
it actually lost about 7 horsepower after the kitty was gutless.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jason Wilkerson <wilke_jb at yahoo.com>
Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 6:44 am
Subject: Re: [V8] Ecu codes, cats

> David,
>   Definately gut the cats - they will sound alot different (not 
> totally a
> bad thing), and the car will run great, as there is no O2 sensor
> downstream of the cats.  Do that, then see how it goes from there. 
> I
> would say you may have a corroded ground somewhere - those codes don't
> just come up for no reason - unless the ecu is fried.
>         Good luck,
>                Jason
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