[V8] Driving with Air Filter Cover Off?-now K&N, etc

dsaad@icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Aug 31 23:34:54 EDT 2005

"yet another study says"
that the mere act of putting anything on your car will help - including cow
magnets. The theory is that you are more careful with your driving habits in
order to maximize your MPG. It is sort of a game you play with yourself.


Quoting Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>:

> I only understand concrete numbers. I'm not much on the theory of why this
> or that works. Why does a 350hp corvette engine get 29MPG highway, and my
> 115 hp Audi only get 27-28. I don't know all the answers. However, seen
> before and after #'s from two friends cars, and both improved. The honda
> accord 4-cyl went up 2.5 mpg, and the Grand prix went up almost 3mpg. They
> were both installed significantly upstream of the engine. I'm thinking maybe
> the swirling continues downstream.
> Really, I'm perplexed, I just know it worked in those cars.
> Oh, and my honeycomb screen is gone, bye-bye. No idea where it went!
> Tony Hoffman
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <dsaad at icehouse.net>
> To: <v8 at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 5:49 AM
> Subject: Re: [V8] Driving with Air Filter Cover Off?-now K&N, etc
> >
> > Why would you want a tornado?
> >
> > There is a honeycomb screen at the intake. Its express purpose is to
> > "straighten" the air flow. "Laminar air flow" is what it is called. I am
> > sure I
> > spelled that wrong, but anyway, the MAF relies on a small sample of air to
> > accurately guage the total flow through the much larger chamber. Swiriling
> > the
> > air hurts - not helps this.
> >
> > Perhaps the tornado would have some effect on a carburetted(sp?) motor,
> > but I
> > would think the swirling there would throw the fuel against the intake
> > runners
> > and slow down the air velocity - the very thing that helps charge the
> > cylinder.
> >
> > As I understand motors, a swirl in the combustion chamber could be good,
> > but
> > anywhere upstream from that is bad.
> >
> > Dave

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