[V8] Hooking up check engine light

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Wed Dec 7 16:28:42 EST 2005

... on my car the connectors were behind the console and below the dash
pad.  As I recall the plastic housing was black.  Be advised that the
connectors are not just hanging out ... they were wrapped up inside the
fabric wrapping tape around the loom.

I thought KT posted more detail, but I couldn't seem to find it in my
e-mail archives ... 

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> I am trying to hook up my check engine light to ease linking out
codes. From
> what I understand there is a connector on each side of the center
> around the rear vent ducts, I thought I had the right connectors, but
> check engine light won't come on (there is a bulb in there) so
obviously I
> don't. Does anyone know, or have a picture of, what I am looking for?

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