[V8] VAG-Com Twin Com

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Fri Dec 9 11:00:06 EST 2005

Generally speaking (because I really can't answer your question!)
If Ross Tech wrote their software according to "the rules" and only used
standard methods to access the port, you should be just fine with a USB dongle.
The quality of the dongle will also make a difference so get a good brand name
one that fully supports all features and functions of a real port.
Bottom line though is just go get a good dongle and see if it works.


Quoting Bob Tomkins <j.tomkins at zipcon.net>:

> Good Morning,
> I am hoping someone has an answer for my problem.  I have a Ross Tech
> Vag-Com Twin Com serial interface to pull my codes.  I no longer own a
> computer with a serial port.  Has anyone successfully used a USB>Serial
> adapter to a laptop with this interface?  The company does not support using
> an adapter on their serial interface, so no help available from them.  Is it
> now a paperweight or is there a work around?
> Thanks,
> Bob
> 92 V8Q
> >From Seattle, now in Suffolk VA
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