[V8] Flasher issue

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Fri Dec 9 12:56:48 EST 2005

... had some similar issues on #344 ... the thing is that the emergency
flasher support requires some fancy switching of the circuits for normal
vs. emergency mode operation.  After a bit of troubleshooting I
convinced myself I should pony up for the emergency flasher switch ...
fixed the problem right away.  It probably would have been possible to
pull the old switch, clean it up and reinstall, but I must say getting
the problem solved in a few minutes with the new switch was nice ... 

As you pointed out, the flasher itself is a pretty simple module, and as
long as you are convinced that tall of the bulbs are being fully
illuminated I'd strongly suspect the emergency flasher switch.  You
might want to triple check all the bulbs for proper operation (brake
lights too) just to make sure there isn't a grounding issue ... and
burnish the contacts in the emergency flasher switch by switching it on
and off a few times before buying a new switch.  

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> Ok I got a 92 V8 and the flasher are making a very weird noise, the
> relay " Buzzzz" like a bumble bee when flashing on one side( left)
> works ok on the other side , there is only 3 legs to the relay,, all
> bulbs are there and working,, and the 4 ways are ok too, anyone got a
> wiring diagram of that section or any idea why??

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