[V8] urV8qmfs

lschor lschor at westga.edu
Sat Feb 5 20:38:15 EST 2005

1991 V8 5 speed for sale. Black with travertine (tan) sport seats, 155K miles. 
$3,000.00 Alpine, Rockford, MB Quart stereo. Expertly installed and sounds 
great. Nearly new Stebro  exhaust (rumble, rumble, vroom), K&N, euro lights. 
IA chip installed by Keith at audiconnection who gave it a thorough test drive 
on his private rural track and said it is a very good one. I bought the car 
from a guy who installed the stereo, exhaust, and lights and then bought a 
highly modified ur S6. He bought it from the service manager at a large New 
York Audi dealer. When I spoke to him (the Audi service manager) he told me 
the car had been purchased and maintained at his dealership and that he bought 
it when the original owner traded for an Allroad. He further stated that it 
had the engine replaced by Audi at 60K due to excess oil consumption and that 
the gas tank had also been replaced. He said he did the major service (t-belt) 
shortly before he sold it to buy an S8. I will give his name and number to the 
purchaser. I have no supporting paperwork for these items.

I can’t imagine how the car could be described overall as anything less than 
good to very good condition. The paint is pretty good for a fourteen year old 
black car with some dings and light scratches (neighbor’s dog too happy to see 
me, some small white spots on the roof). Leather is very good even driver’s 
bolster. Most everything works except the driver’s seat heaters and one of the 
rear seat heaters, rear windows, and a few lights behind dash switches (fog 
lights, etc.). It sometimes idles fine, other times high, and sometimes hunts 
for idle. I have replaced the ISV, O2 sensor as per digest procedure, and MAF 
sensor to no avail. I gave up but it is certainly something simple (albeit in 
a complicated sort of way). Last week I noticed the hydraulic fluid was down 
some. I added more 11s and will investigate this week.

A few weeks ago, a piece of tire from a truck hit the front and broke the 
headlight, scuffed and very lightly dented the fender, and put some strange 
dents on top of the hood. If it were up to me, I would do the hood but leave 
the fender. I have a new euro headlight on order from 2Bennett but it is on a 
slow boat from der motherland. I have decided to get a Boxster but would be 
pleased to hear suggestions, and would take either $5,250.00 as is or $6750.00 
all fixed. I have pre incident pictures and will take some of the recent 
damage. I am near Atlanta and could pick you up at the airport. Feel free to 
e-mail me or call at 770-301-4623.

Larry Schor
91 Audi v8 qm (f/s)
03 Audi A4 Avant (wife's)
84 Alfa Spider (also f/s)
67 Chevy C10
64 Fordson Super Dexta

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