[V8] Helicoil application?

Ed Dekker dekkere at fuse.net
Tue Feb 8 00:12:59 EST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
>" The threads for the pressure line for the power steering pump >have 
>stripped, and I was wondering if a helicoil would hold
>up to the pressure of the system.  It is a pressure line, not a >return 
>line.  I figure I'll also Loctite it with the permanent stuff.  Oh yeah, 
>retapping won't work."

    Sorry I messed up the firstst e-mail.
    I blew my ps pump in '89 while in St. Louis.  It is extra high pressure, 
more like aircraft than typical automotive.  At 900 psi or thereabouts.  And 
the new pump was big bucks  I'm dubious about the helicoil and Locktite 
approach.  If you do it, try to get all oil residue from the repair area to 
give the Loctite good grip.  I'd like to hear Keith's, Steve's or other 


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