[V8] Road trip, 4.2 5 spds, and Stebro exhausts......

DasWolfen at aol.com DasWolfen at aol.com
Wed Feb 9 01:00:29 EST 2005

 First the stebro..... What I said was...."for $800.00 the stebro is junk" 
.... For 5 or 600 GW's it becomes a cost effective replacement for a rusty 
original system, even if you do have to deal with the crap hangers. (a non-issue 
for a competent exhaust shop BTW) Someone mentioned the Stebro is made with 300 
(400?) series stainless that will eventually rust.....so what. The OEM system 
is stainless and as we all know damned sure rusts too for a lot more money. 
For the record the original V8 Stebro system is on Dr Jones former 92 which now 
belongs to one of my local customers, and it shows no sign of rusting away 
anytime soon.

 Now the good stuff......

 Virginia to Ft Myers, Florida on on a pair of Boeing 717's....being non 
PC....3 cheers to Airtran Airways for the eyecandy on both legs of the trip!  
Jeers to Homeland Security and TSA for subjecting an elderly wheelchair bound lady 
(both legs missing below the knees) to a patdown in the Ft Myers airport! PC 
BS has gone way to far!

Picked up a 91 5spd V8 in Ft Myers with a 4.2 already tucked neatly under the 
hood. Not a perfect cosmetic example by any stretch but still a nice car, 
especially with the long list of recent maint items. Highlights...17" BBS's, 
almost new Mich Pilot Sport A/S rubber, one year old Stebro (by far the best fit 
and sound of any I've seen) Gas + safety inspection and its off to Orlando to 
see Dave and Sean Head. Running up I-75 an S8 gets a little surprise when I 
lock the 5 spd on his rear bumper despite several attempts to pull 
away....Hmmm....Methinks I'm gonna like this car!!

 Many thanks to Dave and Star Head for a warm and comfortable place to crash 
in! Not to mention the use of the driveway and tools to change a pesky p/s 
hose. Sean....intercooler airflow is more important than driving lights...dammit 
;) Was nice to see George Osmun of Revotecknic for a demo of their VAG 
performance software and a fun little sidetrip in his stunning little GTI. 
Dave....tell George I appoligize, again, for the exhaust crud on his jeans. (not a good 
idea to stand right behind the exhaust tips of a carboned up V8 that needs 
seriously blown out!) 

 A quick side trip back to St Pete for a non-audi related visit and its on to 
Pcola and Unka Bart's! Bart and Susan were great hosts and the very cozy 
little guest house was very comfortable for the weekend. Being a military history 
and aircraft fanatic the Naval Aviation museum was a must see. 

 Bright and Early Monday morning its off to Florida DMV with Unka Bart for 
his new tags and then on to VA. Lots of talking about our respective 
backgrounds, experiences, and life in general. A very pleasant 700+ miles.

 The 91 performed flawlessly for the entire trip, (I already knew about the 
hose and brought a replacement with me) except for a minor issue with a flaky 
alt that never reoccured. MPG for the last long leg was close to 24.

 Tuesday...The gathering of the 4.2 5spds.....WOOHOO! Three 4.2 powered 5 spd 
V8's in one place. Audi Connection's newest project car. (the subject of the 
road trip)
Mark W's stunning and wickedly fast 91, and the newest addition to this ultra 
rare group, Unka Bart's recently completed 93 5 spd conversion. A somewhat 
hectic (mostly because of my lack of sleep! and Marks jokes) but enjoyable day. 
Final details to deal with on Unka Bart's 93, Mark running around the shop 
cracking carbon fiber jokes and chasing shiny objects, Bruce instigating Mark's 
AADD and CF jokes, Bart laughing at us all. Finally its off to dinner. 

 There is something sublime about three 4.2 5spds cruising together down a 
country road. Unka Bart's 93, it may be quiet but you better pay attention to 
visual warnings...those 993 Big Reds are there for a reason! Audi Connection's 
project car is definately no slouch in the speed department and the Stebro 
growls subtle warning to those wise enough to pay attention. Mark's 91 doesn't 
bother with subtle. If the first two are velvet hammers Mark's is a sledgehammer 
wrapped with silk. No matter how smooth to the touch or pleasant to the eye 
there is no disguising its purpose. The big cammed 4.2 growls, roars, or 
cackles, as conditions dictate, and can be clearly heard even when its 50 feet 
behind. No warning here, just an outright promise to humiliate the unwise.

 Now I think I'll finally get some sleep and dream of 4.2's!!


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