[V8] Help!!! How to access ECU on '93 V8Q

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Thu Feb 10 11:15:27 EST 2005

OK, Unka Bart ;-)

First, you must remove the driver's side dash end cap.  It is secured
(usually) at the bottom by an allen head screw (forget -- but I belive 4mm)
There is a tab that slides up to secure, so pull down somewhat otherwise
you'll break off the tab.  I suggest peeling back the door frame
weatherstripping in this area first.

Then to remove the knee bolster there are (I believe) two allen head bolts
to be removed from the end cap area and one or two at the top of the knee
bolster (one by the steering wheel shroud) plus one or two more by the pedal

Then you would normally see (on the left side) a box with connector where
the kick panel was for the trans (deleted likely in your case) and above
that the ECU.  In any case, the brackets and associated fasteners should
make themselves apparent.

Good Luck.


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