[V8] the maiden voyage is complete..she lives :)

Dave Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Fri Feb 11 08:42:37 EST 2005

First, drain the trans and add 4 quarts. That will set the level 
correctly. It sounds like a sticky/weak solenoid in the valve body. Got 
any tranny shop buddies? Luckily the valve body isn't 'too' hard to 
remove. We had to do this on my son's 91 - the weak solenoid was the 
torque converter clutch solenoid.

If you have a big pry bar you can pop that ball joint out and replace 
the arm in about an hour...

z1sales at z1auto.com wrote:

>Well, I made it home in one piece after the V8's maiden voyage.  Its the first time on public roads
>since I got her, and by my estimate, the first time on publick roads in quite some time (I am
>guessing 2 years).
>Managed to get rid of the "Brake" light - was horribly low on fluid.  Will keep m eyes out for
>One thing I did notice tonight, which I never had a chance to notice before, is the transmission. 
>It seems to just sort of hang out in second or third gear (I cannot figure out which).  If you shut
>the car off and turn it back on, it seems to shift from 1-2-3 but will never kick to 4th.  Also
>when you floor it, it does not seem to want to downshift.  I have no idea how much tranny fluid
>might be in there (if any), and planned on changing it and the filter (assuming there is one) this
>weekend when we tackle the drivers side ball joint and alignment
>Any ideas?
>Z1 Performance
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