[V8] Dead Cig lighter sockets in '93V8q manual

Unka Bart gatorojo at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 17 19:22:41 EST 2005

Well, that about sums it up.

Probably related to the flaky trunk lock which randomly fails to unlock 
when the central locking system is used to lock all doors.

I reckon (and have been advised) that the wires in the driver's door 
are hiding the culprit, any suggestions for troubleshooting/fixing?

It's not the fuse, all the other functions using that fuse are working 

BTW, a tip for anyone with the Audi/bose stereo system.  Mine had three 
blown speakers and a head unit that produced great sound through the 4 
replacement speakers, except for the horrific amplified static produced 
by touching/turning the on/off/volume knob.

Had a local electronics repair guy fix the head unit, he's seen/done a 
few before and said I was lucky I got it fixed before it blew the 
speakers.  Sounds great now, no problems and great, rich sound 
(unsupported, highly subjective opinion).  YMMV. this tip void where 
prohibited by law, bose prejudice or common sense.


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