[V8] Steering Rack leaking

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Tue Feb 22 16:22:23 EST 2005


Can't help unless you identify where the leak is coming from.  When you park
the car I'm guessing a puddle is left behind.  This is the area of interest.
My suggestion is as follows:

1.  Buy a few cans (OK, maybe 3) of brake clean.  Spray the hoses where they
connect to the steering pump and where they connect to the steering rack at
the very least.  Let dry.

2.Get an assistant (wife/friend/go) to start the car and slowly turn the
steering wheel left and right while you look for leaks with flashlight in
hand (hood open, of course).  This is when leaks make themselves apparent.
Remember where the puddle was before you started -- that's likely the
problem area.  Pay particular attention to the protective sheaving on the
hydraulic lines -- in my experience the actual break is hidden, but the
excess fluid comes out between the sheath and the line.

3.  Report back


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Kramer" <skramer at mac.com>
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:47 PM
Subject: [V8] Steering Rack leaking

> Fellow Listers,
> Alternator issues figured out now on to my hydraulic leak.  I'm having a
> leak coming off the steering leak and I'm losing pressure at the brakes
> every week after putting in hydraulic fluid.  Last night the brake light
> came on and brake pedal got hard - luckily I wasn't braking.  Then a
> of pumps and it returned to normal operation.  I'm also getting a sound
> rotating the steering wheel back and forth.
> I filled the tank today and filled it . No leaks coming off the resevoir -
> so I can only guess that one of the o-rings is letting the fluid through /
> and or the pump is leaking.  With what I've listed, what do you think?
> Thanks,
> Steve Kramer
> 1990 v8q
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