[V8] Time to make the doughnuts.......

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 25 08:19:54 EST 2005

Coming into work - Nah, couldn't leave that parking
lot alone.....

Scared civilians ran for cover as Faye Acht turned
200ft. doughnuts at 40mph around light poles.  One lad
in a Dodge Caravan just sat and stared.  Maybe he was
a closet Rally junky.


And all I keep thinking is - Geez, these Michelins are
incredible in the snow.  It's almost impossible to
lock the brakes up, and at times on the ride in, I
couldn't get the car to break loose - getting heavy
into the throttle around corners only produced massive
leaps in the speedo.  Wow.  Much better than the 4KQ
ever was.  And I thought that car was unstoppable.


W. Carter Johnson
University of Rhode Island
401-874-4947 office
401-699-3994 cell

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