[V8] Tis the season-Goodbye to my V8

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Jan 4 20:51:19 EST 2005

The sad part about all this is that the insurance companies communicate
with eachother about these cases so that you cannot go elsewhere for the
same kind of rate you enjoyed originally.  This is one instance where
"there oughta be a law".

At 05:02 PM 1/4/2005 -0600, Roland Broberg wrote:
>I have another interesting insurance story not dissimilar to yours.  I had a
>car burn with a 17 year old Daughter barely escaping before the vehicle was
>entirely engulfed.  Anyway, that car had a recent new engine ($3k), new
>tires, paint detailing, and many new parts.  It had low miles and was a
>spectacular condition (not an Audi, thankfully).  I was offered 1/3 of the
>value.  I provided reams of evidence of similar vehicles and their values
>from all over the country and tried, without success, to improve the offer.
>I would not accept the check, though.  Finally, following repeated fruitless
>negotiating sessions, I sent all my data, pictures and evidence to the
>Wisconsin State Insurance Commissioner with a nicely worded letter
>explaining my frustration with my insurance company of 21 years.  Nearly
>immediately I was given a new offer within 95% of my request, which I took
>Two weeks later my insurance was cancelled when a son-in-law hit a deer with
>another of my cars and we were determined to be high risk.  The increased
>cost of insurance has much more than made up for the better offer that I
>settled for.  Is this the American way?  It is no wonder why insurance has
>such a bad reputation.

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