[V8] Trouble finding a coolant leak

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Wed Jan 5 17:42:18 EST 2005

... I wonder how "common" this failure actually is.  The coolant
plumbing at the back of the engine is attached to the engine block with
threaded fasteners, so it should not be likely for them to work loose.
If you are worried about these O-rings, then you should be just as
worried about the O-ring at the end of the tube that runs under the
intake and the short section of rubber hose that attaches the two hard
lines.  When I did the engine swap on #2 I replaced all of these rubber
parts, but they did not show any signs of having allowed any coolant to

I've had problems with the coolant reservoir in front of the right front
strut and the various rubber lines that connect from the coolant
reservoir to the radiator and the metal lines that run behind the engine
block.  I've also had leaks in the radiator proper ... but I think the
radiator I replaced could have been repaired by replacing the fitting
for the small hose at the top which helps work air out of the system.  

If you have the belly pan attached it can tend to hide small leaks ...
you may want to temporarily remove it for a test ... 

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> Your symptoms commonly are described for a leak from the seal 
> at the rear
> of the engine at the plumbing for the coolant reservoir.  I 
> think it's an
> O-ring.  Coolant "disappears" onto the exhaust.  There's also the
> possibility of a head gasket leak.
> At 11:57 PM 12/29/2004 -0500, George Tur wrote:
> >I have a question about tracking down a coolant leak. 
> >
> >Over the past month my V8 has been losing about half a pint 
> of coolant per 
> >week. This past week this has increased to where I have to 
> replace about a 
> >pint every 2 or 3 days. I've looked for leaks and can't find 
> any wet spots, 
> >or smell anything inside the passenger compartment. Is there 
> a way of 
> >tracking coolant leaks using dyes like they do for oil leaks?

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