[V8] V8 Non-Audi Swap (was crankshaft bolt)

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Thu Jan 6 16:41:08 EST 2005

Ah, that special 7 liter motor for Jay's ride.  While it may look stock,
they converted it to RWD because the tranny couldn't handle the power (and
likely the driveshafts couldn't have, either).  I don't believe torque steer
was much of a problem with that layout, as the motor was not transverse -- 
but they were fun.  I think my dad had a '67, a few ones after that and the
last one was a '78 (metallic brown with landau beige top!)  Huge hood -- I
don't miss those landau tops at all...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Coleman, David" <David.Coleman at blackrock.com>
To: "Ingo Rautenberg" <i.rautenberg at waratap.com>; <dsaad at icehouse.net>;
<v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 4:24 PM
Subject: RE: [V8] V8 Non-Audi Swap (was crankshaft bolt)

I actually do remember the FWD Olds.  '68 or so maybe?   I think Jay
Leno's got a 1000HP one.   Talk about torque steer...


> Hmm.  Don't recall that one.  My father loved Toronado's with
> their tank-like ruggedness and less stratospheric price
> compared with the sister Cadillac Eldorado.

> > Don't forget about the FWD Olds Toranado.

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