[V8] C5 4.2 manual swapping

DasWolfen at aol.com DasWolfen at aol.com
Fri Jan 7 13:38:16 EST 2005

In a message dated 1/7/05 12:24:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
sdewitt at stx.rr.com writes:

> I'm looking at swapping a 6 speed into an A6 4.2 and the euro fiche doesn't 
> list a manual ECU for that year of car. Same song and Dance on the S8... 
> Not to say it's not possible, but it isn't easy nor cheap.
> Your 6 speed swap in an S4 should be much easier as those cars came with 
> manual boxes in the states. You could do a swap without having to fab anything

OOPS....sorry..... make the C5 S6 Avant.....which certainly did come with a 
manual in Europe but not in the US.

 You're not seeing the full ECU listing.....when you go to the A6/S6 Avant 
Quattro MG: 9 SG: 07 in the Euro ETKA and select item 8 you get a entire page 
listing of ECU's....agreed that none are for a 4.2 manual...but...none are for 
ANY 4.2 (euro codes AQJ and ARS) and we know for fact the C5 A6/S6q's came with 
a 4.2...so what gives??

 On the top of the ETKA page are 5 little buttons that show a flashlight, the 
very top one pages the part listings for the subgroup you are looking 
at....start clicking till you come to the very last item 8 (ECU) listing (there are 
around 4 pages of them!!) The very last Item 8 listed is part # 4D0 907 559D  
AQJ Manual.....ie: a 4.2 liter V8 with a manual gearbox.

 ETKA lesson......  Within each model listing is a Main Group aka MG....thats 
the main system breakdown...engine transmisson...etc etc etc.

 In each MG is a bunch of Sub Group listings aka SG.... That is the parts 
breakdown page (the picture on the left)

 The middle three digits of each part # tells which MG and SG that part is 
shown and listed on....usually....some misc parts are not always there. I 
"think" the reason is that when a part was originally used it was on that page for 
the model it was originally designed for but may not show up there on a later 
model., Relays, nuts/bolts, brackets, etc are hit and miss as to where exactly 
they are listed....relays in particular are bad for being in the wrong SG 
although they always show up in the correct MG.

 The rest is easy..... Euro 4.2 manuals use an 01E gearbox....as does the US 
A6q 2.7tt.....guess what that means when you start looking for driveshafts, 
axles, pedal assemblies, etc etc etc.


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