[V8] da BOMB

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Jan 11 21:44:47 EST 2005

The test procedure is to turn off the engine and pump the brake pedal until
it becomes hard.  If you get a hard brake pedal immediately or after a few
pumps, your bomb essentially is shot.  If you get 15 or so pumps before the
hard pedal, your bomb is getting old but still working fairly well.  A new
bomb is supposed to allow around 30 pumps.  The ( ) in the top dash display
is the worn brake pads warning.  

At 08:37 PM 1/11/2005 -0500, Z1 Performance wrote:
>So alternator is now done..coming along well now :)  Next up is the fuel 
>gauge...about to start.
>One thing I do notice is the (  ) dash light on, and the brake light comes 
>on if you depress the pedal quick...sounds like a bad BOMB (or maybe low on 
>fluid?)  How much of a chore is this to change?  I saw the write up on 
>testing it, but did not mention any specific procedure.
>Z-1 Performance, Inc.
>(631)863-3820 Tel.
>(631)863-3821 Fax
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