[V8] rear seats

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Jan 11 21:59:26 EST 2005

Rear seatback removal is a real pita.  The headrests are held in place by a
spring pin that has a straight leg going through a hole in the rod and a
curved leg wrapping around one side.  This is in the plastic ring that's
also the trim for the opening in the leather.  If you push down on the
leather and shine good light on it, you can spot the pin a groove in the
plastic ring.  I use an awl carefully to start pushing the pin out and then
try to pull it the rest of the way with needle noses.  The spring is fairly
strong, so that pin can fly off, so be careful.  Once both pins are out,
you can pull out the headrest.  Now the real fun begins.  The plastic rings
are actually several inches of material shaped something like an
old-fashioned clothesline pin with the hole for the headrest rod drilled
through it.  These devices are held in place by a protrusion that projects
through a hole in the metal bulkhead between the trunk and the cabin.  You
have to go inside the trunk (literally), pull down the lining along the
bulkhead and find the protrusions sticking out of the metal.  You push them
in and lever them upward to release them from the bulkhead and then go
inside and pull them completely out.  The two center retainers are fairly
easy to spot/release.  The two outer ones are well hidden behind the audio
speaker assembly hanging down into that space.  I ground off the
projections on those two so I could pull them out in the future without
having to try to work between the speakers and the bulkhead.  Finally, with
the plastic pieces out, you need to release two metal arms extending down
from the bottom of the seatback.  They have slots in them that go over
tabs sticking out of the sheetmetal.  Those tabs often are bent over,
requiring straightening.  There is a small notch in the bottom of the tabs
that the metal arms have to clear to be set free.  Then you can hoist the
seatback up an inch or so and pull it out.

At 09:07 PM 1/11/2005 -0500, Z1 Performance wrote:
>Well, the more we look the more we find :)  This car has obviously had 
>"guests" living in it......the seat belts in the rear were torn and the rear 
>wiring is, well, hacked and eaten through (overzealous kids?).  So does 
>anyone have any pointers for removing the headrests...seems they are locking 
>the top part of the seatback in place!
>Z-1 Performance, Inc.
>(631)863-3820 Tel.
>(631)863-3821 Fax
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