[V8] Anyone actually use their phones?

Ed Dekker dekkere at fuse.net
Tue Jan 18 23:42:26 EST 2005

    My sister has an ancient analog phone for emergencies and rare personal 
calls, and has been told by the carrier she will have to switch to digital 
as the towers in WI are being converted to digital only.
    I've kept the analogs in my '90 and '97 operational (but not subscribed) 
for 911 calls.  So last summer I came upon a bad accident and stupidly 
forgot I had the analog in the armrest.  Luckily, a phone truck came upon 
the scene and called 911.

Ed Dekker
'90 V8 Graphite
'97 V6 Pearl Avant

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <daves745t at optonline.net>
To: "Audifans V8" <V8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:27 PM
Subject: [V8] Anyone actually use their phones?

> Obviously its analog, but I also know that it is much more powerful and 
> would have significantly greater range than the puny ones we all carry 
> around now.
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