[V8] oil filter cross threaded...

Jeremy Ward jward at mti-interactive.com
Sat Jan 29 21:46:13 EST 2005

Hypothetically speaking, what happens if the shade tree mechanic cross
threads the oil filter on a V8?  Changed the oil, then did the brake
pads, went to drive around the block and realized I was leaving racing
stripes as I was backing down the driveway.  Oil.  Coming from the
filter.  I had a bugger of a time getting the old one off, and the new
one seemed to be going on a little funny, but it went on.  Didn't think
anything of it and it didn't drip at all until I started it up several
hours later...

Funny thing is, I just about broke my arm patting myself on the back
after the brake job, thinking of how much money I saved by doing it
myself :-(

Thanks in advance for any advice,

- Puddles

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