[V8] RE: Hydraulics & Overheating

Campozano, Robert RCAMPOZANO at mgmmirage.net
Mon Jul 4 17:04:07 EDT 2005

Thanks for the help Dave.  We will find out on Thursday if this is the culprit.  I will e-mail the list and everyone that helped.

Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)
rcampozano at MGMMirage.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Head [mailto:v8q at bellsouth.net] 
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 2:01 PM
To: Campozano, Robert
Cc: v8newlist
Subject: Re: [V8] RE: Hydraulics & Overheating

Whoops - make that trans cooling lines...

Dave Head wrote:

> They don't repair well - the seal used is no longer available. I 
> haven't had any luck cleaning them. I put in an all metal aftermarket 
> a few years back. We pulled it out last month, took it and the 
> original radiator to a very good shop here in town. The aluminum 
> clamps fractured on the oem one as they were taking it apart. The 
> aftermarket one just fell apart.
> Bought a new oem one via the shop - 315.00 including shipping from 
> some place in Texas. In contrast the aftermarket one I put in 3 years 
> back cost me 215.00 delivered.
> If you do it, need to order the upper rubber isolator mounts as a 
> minimum. They almost never come out. The lower rubber mounts usually 
> come out ok. It's about a 3 hour job - not difficult. Pull the bumper 
> cover and trim piece, drop the oil cooler and AC condensor (no lines 
> disconnected). Remove the AC cooling lines, remove the radiator, apply 
> new foam seal on radiator support (sourced from Home Depot).
> With the new radiator, the water pump went bad next - I ran it out of 
> coolant about 6-8 months ago when the upper hose blew. The seal 
> finally went bad. With a new pump, my temps are back at 92-95C in 
> traffic (Florida).
> Campozano, Robert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for the reply.  So in that case do I need to get a new 
>> radiator or is there a good product that can flush it out?
>> Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)
>> rcampozano at MGMMirage.net
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dave Head [mailto:v8q at bellsouth.net] Sent: Monday, July 04, 
>> 2005 9:16 AM
>> To: Campozano, Robert
>> Subject: Re: [V8] RE: Hydraulics & Overheating
>> I'll bet you your radiator is clogged.
>> Campozano, Robert wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for the quick reply.  My fusible link is good.  I replaced that
>>> last year and my auxiliary fan spins just fine.  The car overheats
>>> regardless of AC being on or not.  I drove home yesterday in 106 F and
>>> windows rolled down and car on Hi heat...I was pretty toasty by the 
>>> time
>>> I got home.  My temperature gauge still went up to 100 on the highway
>>> and between 100 and 120 at a stop or light.  I am thinking at this 
>>> point
>>> I have either a bad thermostat or a bad clutch on the fan but being 
>>> that
>>> the water/antifreeze bubbles over and spews out of the expansion tank,
>>> I'm thinking thermostat.  How hot can these cars get before you start
>>> seeing problems with the engine?  Anyway, any help and advice is
>>> appreciated.  I will not be driving the car this week and hopefully 
>>> with
>>> the help of Tony get the car back on the road by Friday.  Fingers
>>> crossed.
>>> Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)
>>> rcampozano at MGMMirage.net
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: DieMarthaDie at aol.com [mailto:DieMarthaDie at aol.com] Sent: 
>>> Monday, July 04, 2005 6:31 AM
>>> To: Campozano, Robert
>>> Subject: Re: Hydraulics & Overheating
>>> there's just been a discussion in the last weeks about this - check the
>>> fusible link in the black box for the fan - that was bad on Ben's 
>>> new V8
>>> here in baltimore...
>>> John
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