[V8] nice long drive...

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Jun 1 17:45:57 EDT 2005

I love taking the V8 over Snoqualmie...
I only have to come out of 5th if traffic is bad or I have to slow down.

Your temps seem a little low though. I wonder if your thermostat is stuck open?
I run a pretty constant temp at just under 100C - which is the thermostat


Quoting John Bysinger <john at bysinger.net>:

> the only even whimper I got from her was watching the temp gauge rise about
> 10* C on the hill climbs over the various passes, never once going above
> 75*.  Speaking of mountain passes, I can honestly say that this is the first
> vehicle I've owned that didn't even shudder slightly on all of those hill
> climbs.  Over the top of snoqualmie pass she didn't even downshift as I
> cruised by at 75-80, I don't even think I noticed the torque converter
> lockup unlock.

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