[V8] Can the V8 be replaced? Comparable cars?

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Mon Jun 6 10:07:36 EDT 2005

> Also, a new car only feels "new" for about 2 months. After 
> that, it's the same old car every day.

Truer words are rarely spoken.  After struggling with how nice the '05
Honda Odysseys are, we settled on an '03 EX -- for all the typical
financial reasons.  (Twins on the way will make 5 humans in our house --
really no viable alternative to an odyssey.)  Anyway, the '05 really
seemed like a heckuva lot nicer car.  But a friend who's leasing one
just told me that after a couple weeks, it's just "the car" -- same old
same old.   Which made me feel better about saving big $$ every month.

Y'know, in fact, a few months back I was using my buddy's S8 for several
days, and after a while I found myself thinking no biggie, and I really
didn't miss it -- but every single dang time I get in the V8 it's a
reaffirming experience.  I'm wondering if there's some weird part of the
brain that cancels all logic...


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