[V8] update on the V8 (longish)

Daniel O'Dell daniel_o_dell at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 10 23:57:27 EDT 2005

The insurance agent E-Mailed, saying that they have found a rear seat
with headrests, that the dismantle says "is in great shape" however, I
will have to call on Monday, to see what that means. If the seat is
right, it will probably keep the car on the road, versus a total loss. 
However, I'm really curious how good a seat could be with headrests for
$125.  I'm going to be really picky since the car had black Kodiak
sport seats, and that's what I want when they are done. I'm really torn
about weather to keep the car after its fixed (if they end up fixing
it) or not. decisions.....Oh and thanks for the condolences, It
actually made my day a little brighter, and to those that asked, yes
this was the five speed (my brother still owns the converted sixxer if
anybody remembers that car ...)

So $6100 ACV minus some unknown salvage value = approx $4000 I guess
they really are going to fix it. I'll keep you posted.


down but not out) 

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