[V8] RE Tires

Michael Thomas irnstrw at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 23 17:06:57 EDT 2005

The Tirerack has done direct comparisons of a lot of
tires switching tires on the same car and doing
testing on the same course. They have many different
combinations. If you go to their site and click on the
link on the bottom of the home page "Read More Tire
Tests" it will take you to a page with options to
select many different tires and then to read the

Good reading.

I have 225/45-17 Michelin Pilot XGT H4 on 17"x8" rims
and they are very good as far as cornering although a
bit harsh and they have a tendency to follow
grooves/ruts in the road. Overall I am happy with the
performance in that I have yet to lose grip. These
tires were on the wheels when I bought them. (Yes, I
know they are one size too small)

Reading the tire tests, the best tire (all season) is
the Pirelli P Zero Nero. Consistently better than
anything else.

A price performer is the Kuhmo Ecsta ASX which
performs on par with the Michelin XGT, is very
slightly poorer than the Pirelli and is very
inexpensive. When I buy my next set, that is what I am
going to try. The Kuhmo, Michelin and Continental
Extreme Contact are very close and these tires are
consistently a bit better than the baseline Goodyear.

Like I said, good reading - they did the direct

Regards, and see you all in Seattle Saturday at the NW
Audi Gathering.

'93 Pearl

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