[V8] Tools for A/C work

Scott DeWitt sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Tue Jun 28 16:17:26 EDT 2005

I would avoid any R12 alternatives as many aren't fully tested, aren't 
goverment approved, and difficult to come by locally. Many are blends of 
refrigerants, which tend to seep out of the system at different rates. A 
R134A conversion can be as simple as replacing the oil with R134A oil, and 
change the drier. Type 44 driers can be had for 25 bucks.


> Local pricing on R-12 refills is about $250.  R-134A conversions run in
> that same price range.  I'd like to try the alternative R-12 stuff like
> enviro-safe-12   ( http://autorefrigerants.com/co00033.htm ).  I presume I
> need a vacuum pump to get rid of moisture.  I have plenty of air 
> compressor
> capability and was looking at the cheap air/vacuum pumps.  And I presume I
> need a gauge set too.   Do I need anything else to do this job right? 
> My
> 200q20v needs recharging, I believe.  I think I need the gauges to check
> that the R12 has disappeared???    My two V8s also have old R12 systems.
> They work well now, but so has the 200 in the past.

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